Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday's with Dorie: REWIND!

I should really start calling this WEDNESDAY'S with Dorie, as I can't seem to get them in on time! Ugh. Anyway, this weeks recipe comes from Mari with Mevrouw Cupcake. She chose Creme Brulee. At first, I was super excited (so was Mike!)... but them reality hit. I don't have a torch, and I have no idea how to use a broiler (or much less what one is!). I still have so much to learn! Anyway, head over to Mari's page to check out the recipe.

I was beyond excited when I found out we could do a recipe rewind, instead of the Creme Brulee. I decided to go over the recipes I had not made yet and Michael chose my recipe for the week! It's Perfectection Pound Cake. The recipe can be found on pages 222 & 223 in Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Mine turned out wonderful. Dense, yet fluffy. Sweet, yet not too sweet. Really it is just right. I'm usually not 100% happy with my TWD recipes - but this one is an exception - I love it, and so does Michael! I hope you enjoy it too!


Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

Tuesdays come so early! The pound cake looks delicious. Definitely one I want to try. Good job!

Bungalow Barbara said...

Glad you liked it!

By the way, a broiler is part of your oven...

Beth said...

That looks great! I'm a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure :-) Let me know!